Admissions open for Toddler to Senior Kg. 2025 - 2026.

School Activities


Areas of Interest

  • Practical Life / Daily Life
  • Building Independence, concentration, hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, order and sequence. Helping children to realize their potential through fun everyday activities.

  • Sensorial
  • Strengthening the child’s senses. Assisting the child to explore learning in a way that directly engages the child’s natural and inherent way to interact with the world and the environment.

  • Mathematics
  • Introducing the child to the basics of mathematics using hands-on materials moving from concrete to abstract ideas. Progressing at the child’s own pace, making it fun and engaging.

  • Language
  • Using the child’s senses to initiate an interest in written language. Children learn to analyze and synthesize the reading and writing process. Helping to create excitement for knowledge and building a good basis to build upon throughout life.

  • Culture
  • Introducing children to: Geography, Science, History, Botany, Zoology, and Art increases an awareness of the world and their place within it. Children become open to care for society and life itself.

Montessori Aspects

  • Care of Self, Others, and the Environment
  • Building awareness of respect in meaningful ways that young children can relate to.
  • Freedom and Discipline
  • Through role-modeling and offering opportunities for the child to experiment, they begin to understand and practice freedom and self-discipline.
  • Education for the Whole Child
  • Global and International outlook on our World, our communities, and education
  • Mixed Age Groupings and Uninterrupted Work Cycles
  • Using 3 year age groupings, children have opportunities to learn from their peers, look up to older children, see the progression of work and their roles in the classroom, be role-models and learn leadership and teaching skills.
  • Work periods of 2-3 hours allow children to have the security of starting and completing work. Choosing challenging materials and learning in a pace that suits each child.

Reggio Emilia Aspects

  • Learning Stories - By creating a book with the child’s learning progress, children and families can easily see what the child has been learning. This is an excellent way to include families in each step of the child’s learning journey.
  • Pictures and Work in the Classroom - On a monthly basis, pictures of the children at work and works of art or written work can be displayed for parents and children to see. This helps give the child and family an inside look at what happens in the classroom each day.
  • Arts and Crafts - Creating an area for independent art and craft work allows children to use their imagination and explore different art/craft media. This can be taken home daily or weekly for the family to see and enjoy. It also helps to instil creative expression within the child and classroom.
  • Parental Involvement - As volunteers, parents can be invited into the classroom once their child has settled in and has become normalized within the environment. Parents are excellent collaborators in their child’s education and need to be kept up to date; just as the parents should update the teachers too. Being available daily at pick-up or drop-off is integral. Although length conversations should be a scheduled meeting. Scheduled dates for parent/teacher interviews and progress reports also give parents an insight into our journey together.
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